IFR Worldwide proudly presents SCORE!
a genre blending comedy destined for worldwide
This Executive Proposal with details present our effort
so that you can best determine your future desire
in joining us in producing this terrific film.
IFR Worldwide present the feature film, SCORE! for your investment
SCORE! is a feature film, targeted at the
teens-past-twenties market, which combines key elements for success:
- Soccer... the international sport...
- Music... the worldwide language...
- Guys and gals... the global romantic
- Optimism... the hallmark of youth...
contrasted against
- Concern... the hallmark of adults…
- Dedication... the essence of all true
champions... and a
- Dramatic Rescue... by the most unlikely
characters introduced in the film.
SCORE! is the perfect project for the film
investor. In this Executive Summary, IFR will support this claim and introduce important industry benchmarks against
which investors may better evaluate our offer.
First... Why invest in feature films at all?
To start... movies provide entertainment, a recession-proof investment.
Though curtailed in tight economies, people never totally eliminate entertaining themselves, for they feel that they “deserve”
it. Movies provide an affordable form…whether in the theater, or at home through video/cable delivery when theatergoing
seems too costly.
Then... films may also be inspiring and educational, such that long
after a film is seen, its impact is felt.
And... within even a story like SCORE!, films can carry social messages
as does SCORE! through its its team, band two senior characters, and the unlikely heroes... all of whom strive and sacrifice
to be their best.
Finally... films offer a lifestyle investment that can provide satisfactions
beyond the anticipated profits.
Why invest in IFR?
IFR has been in the movie production business for over 20 years,
with Principal, Larry Babb, having an entire career in filmmaking, of which most years have been associated with feature films...the
remaining focused on sports documentaries.
Over the past three years, IFR has sought and developed strategic
alliances with many of the best people within the industry. The goal: To create a “virtual studio,” that has all
of the benefits of a physical studio with none of the fixed overhead.
Today, we have succeeded as you read throughout our presentation.
Strategic, creditable alliances in the film industry are critically
important both for the successful making of the film...and for attracting investment. Ultimately, for investors, the difficult question is…
“How does one judge a movie’s
business potential before tickets are sold, before critics give their voices...and in fact before the script is
even story-boarded?”
This answer is…
“Films are judged by the industry people whom they attract!”
Though there are no guarantees in a film’s final success, there
are correlations between the credentialed people, who believe that the film will “be-a-winner,” and the likelihood
that it will become one. There is a strong element of willed determination in a film’s success. And, professionals know
how to tap into this energy to create a special production.
So, the answer to “Why invest in IFR?” is that IFR Worldwide,
as producers, represents a team of highly talented and experienced filmmaking professionals who support IFR’s optimism
in this project. Biographies of our associates are presented in our proposal.
Why this movie…and why now?
SCORE! has an uplifting plot that captures the hearts
and minds of impressionable youth, young adults, “soccer families,” and others who enjoy an entertaining film
with a happy ending.
SCORE! is written to be rated "PG-13" to reach our
targeted broad audience. A family oriented, feel-good film optimizes the chance for a success. Already, the script has attracted
the attention of respected film directors, all of whom have a portfolio of successes in this film genre...and of domestic/foreign
distributors who “know” a box-office attraction.
SCORE! is also synched with the times. With half
of the movie focused on a girls’ college team going to collegiate finals, SCORE! captures the thrill of a sport that
is popular in the United States and worldwide. While a rock band’s journey to success is an old theme, a “boys
group” attempting to transform into a rock band is both novel and “now,” for it mimics today’s reality
as the “boys group” genre in pop music has waned with most former members seeking individual new careers.
SCORE! is also modestly budgeted to facilitate a
rapid return on investment. As has been proven over time and even with recent box-office hits, budget is no measure of a film’s
final worth, for there are ways to effectively control expense without compromising the final film.
In the final analysis there are five, top-level
components to a successful movie:
The Producers | The Story | The Actors | The
Marketing | The Distribution
As producers, IFR has addressed all five components: Taken together,
we are presenting for your consideration...a strong script in the hands of a strong production team, which will produce a
film on a reasonable budget to MAXIMIZE the potential return on your investment.