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Too Young?


LOGLINE:  A hilarious PG 13 romantic comedy in which an entrepreneurial, womens' college president conjures a plan to bolster the meager endowment by teaching the young women how to snare billionaires so that the gents will strokes checks to keep the all-women's college alive.



A Romantic Comedy


A successful, businesswomen graduate of a struggling, prestigious, private New England women's school is tapped by the school to turn its fortunes around and save it from becoming co-ed.  As "cold" as she is toward romance, she is unexpectedly smittened by the very plan she devises to bring fortunes and fame back to the school.



One of the last, small, private, women's schools, having a critical need to shore up its endowment or shutter the school, dips back into its alumnae pool to recruit Ms. Jodi, a successful, task-drive entrepreneur and Summa Cum Laude, to resuscitate the school while keeping it as an all-women's school.  As demanded by  Board of Trustees' dictate  (feminist to the end), this precludes going co-ed in favor of their closing up the school all together.  Disgruntled alums, who would rather be co-ed than defunk by have their beloved alma mater closed, rail against this mandate and pressure the Trustees to hire Ms. Jodi, or face their boycott of their financial support.


Once ensconced in her President's Office, which over-looks the College Green, while finally understanding the enormity of the institution’s financial mess, Ms. Jodi, taking a break, glances out her office window to view a chance encounter between a mature -- and obviously well heeled --gent and a college student. From the gestures (and the license-plated Rolls Royce awaiting him) she is comfortable that the encounter is harmless; however, she is uncomfortable with the co-ed text-messaging while the gent appears to just want to talk.


With split-second thinking, which has always served her well, Ms. Jodi hatches an idea that will remedy both the social awkwardness, which she just witnessed, and the college’s financial embarrassment, which she now knows.  She muses that the college will offer a new inter-disciplinary major, "Millionaires, Machiavelli, and Marriage." 


In her cold-hearted, bottom-line thinking, Ms. Jodi deduces that the way to swell the endowment is to get young alums to marry millionaires whose life status and expectancy is such that they are currently able to toss money toward the college.  Further, as an entrepreneur, she is also aware that these men are capable of mentoring and opening doors for the future graduates, which they themselves may never open.  In doing so, the future alumnae will achieve even a larger purpose for attending college AND give more back to the school, as they will earn more.


What ensues from this calculated plot is everything, but predictable, save that dessenting Trustees protest and some resign.


National media -- alerted by Ms. Jodi, of course -- run with the story...  Call-in tv/radio talk shows are endless...  Switchboards in the pressrooms, tv / radio stations, and the college campus light up like Christmas Trees...  Straight-laced co-eds deride the gals, who enroll in the program, as sluts...  And, upon learning of this program, the crème-de-la-crème of handsome, older, millionaires descend on the campus, with opened checkbooks, offering to even stroke checks to launch the courses.  Predictably, gleaming over this campus "riot," is tasky Ms Jodi, who never has time to listen to her own feelings, while conflicts and controversies abound around her.


From the first, very awkward -- yet humorous -- "mixer" where the gals and the gents fumble for acquaintances, relationships form as the classes progress:  Some soar... Some start slowly...  Others stutter...  And still, others have their day in the sun only to end amicably.  But, of all the relationships that develop, the most unexpected is that of Ms. Jodi, who, for the first time, realizes that she is jealous of the relationships that her program has created... and in particular of one gent's relationship for which she is "hot."  However, her dispassionate business  mind-set leaves her totally unprepared for combat against romantic jealousy.  Ms Jodi has snared herself !!! 


Ultimately, there is a euphoric, feel-good ending as all relationships are resolved in tender, yet surprising, ways acceptable to all viewers suggested by the PG rating.


What starts and remains a light, romantic PG comedy throughout -- perhaps even frivolous -- still delivers powerful messages about relationships and love which will have people leaving the theater, discussing (or at least secretly wishing to discuss with their date/spouse) May-to-December relationships and the "use" of relationships to achieve personal and business goals.   Is it Machiavellian to match millionaires with co-eds...  or, did Ms. Jodi just institutionalize a process that has been going on since the dawn of humankind? 


Two Thumbs Up:  This controversial movie makes it on the Oprah Show! 



Cast - Type      There will be DIVERSITY as on the outstanding private

                        campuses today.


College President (40-ish) --  Julia Roberts, Halle Berry, Sharon Stone, types

Co-eds -- One or two up-coming names plus known names

Trustees -- All women... 40% stuck in the 70's feminist revolution

Lead Male (50/60- ish)  --    Mel Gibson, Kevin Kostner (daughter went to Brown)

Supporting Gents ( Older)  -- Omar Sharif, Roger Moore, Sidney Portier, Anthony Hopkins, Robert Wagner

Supporting Gents (40/50/60 ish) --  Numerous names.  Some cameo roles.!




Theme Song (assumes successful rights negotiation) "Too Young" by Nat King Cole.   Other artists, renditions, and genres to be played (and scored for transitions) throughout the movie.


The soundtrack will be a compilation of music from the '50s on up.  The earlier period music will be used as the theme title and in scenes where there are gents.  The new music will be used to back the scenes where there are the co-ed.  Music, which blends genres (some exists ) will be used where there are relationships scenes in conflict and as the OUTRO to the roll of the credits.  The music will set the mood and will be sequenced throughout to have "them dancing' in the aisles.


       In The Berkshires



Designed  By
John David Sottile