An investment made directly
with IFR WORLDWIDE. Payout made by IFR WORLDWIDE as Film Producer
IFR has a slate of ten films which it currently
seeks to produce. The first two films have been developed by IFR, itself. The IFR Film Development Fund is a unique investment opportunity to fund the development of future movies. Heres how it works:
An investor invests a given amount which IFR determines will be required to develop its next three feature films. For this example, lets use $100,000. In
return for the use of this money, IFR will return and amount equal to the entire sum used, plus 15% AT THE TIME THE FIRST
FILM IS FULLY FUNDED, not after it is completed, or even if it is successful. This
can be promised because the development fund is a line item in the pictures production
budget which comes into being upon full film funding. Additionally, the investor
will garner a small percentage in the first films profits, PLUS percentages, to be determined,
in the next two films profits, if there are any.
Should it happen that IFR needs to increase
the amount of development money to properly attach the initial film, IFR will first offer this investment opportunity under the same terms to the current underwriter
of the development slate; or should the first party wish not to invest, to another party
In an industry fraught with uncertainty,
it is the purpose of IFR to minimize the risk to investor(s) in the IFR FILM DEVELOPMENT FUND.
It is also the purpose to structure the fund so that individuals/parties that are first in, have an opportunity to
remain in. In so doing, they can create for themselves to -- the extent that
IFR requires development funds -- A REVOLVING DEVEOLPMENT FUND. However, IFRS need could end for many reasons such as a studio funding the entire development and production,
etc. So, while IFR can guarantee first rights of refusal to the initial investor,
it cannot guarantee the overall number of films available for development to that investor.
For all the above reasons, IFR seeks
savvy investor(s) who are knowledgeable about film making and all the incumbent risks associated with the feature film business.
An investment in an IFR Feature Film Limited Partnership and defined by the film's limited partnership agreement.
Currently, IFR is seeking funding for a
slate of films, and has completion funding, if necessary, promised as well. It
also has prints and ads money available on a film by film basis.
Each film will be its own legal entity;
the investment in one particular film may differ from that of another. Nonetheless,
the return on investment will occur as is customary under most limited partnership agreements.
In addition to the receipt of actual cash, IFR Films can/will be fully funded, by those parties already providing the
50%, if the other 50% investor(s) pledge acceptable assets. in lieu of money.