Limited Partner warrants and represents the following:
s/he recognizes that Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, exempts the issue and sale of securities from
registration under the Act in transactions not involving any public offering, and that s/he is purchasing the Partnership
interest for his or her own account, for investment, and with no present intention of distributing, reselling, pledging, or
otherwise disposing of the interest.
s/he is a sophisticated investor and the nature and amount of the capital contributions s/he agrees to possibly make in International
Film Resources (IFR) Funds is consistent with his or her investment program, and, in the case of a Feature Film Limted Partnership,
that s/he has sufficient liquid assets to meet promptly all calls for additional contributions, if any, and to absorb the
loss of the entire investment.
s/he has either: (i) had experience in business enterprises or investments entailing risk of a type or to a degree substantially
similar to those entailed in an investment in The Funds; or (ii) will obtain independent financial advice regarding investment in The Funds .
s/he will take it upon his/herself to become fully familiar with the business proposed to be conducted by the Partnership
and with the Partnership's use and proposed use of the proceeds of the sale, if any, of the Partnership interests before investing
in The Funds.
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Phone: _______________________Fax:_________________________
Print Name: ___________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________
Witnessed: ___________________________________________________